Friday, March 21, 2008

Part 1: Impossible decisions

These next few entries I wrote over the holiday season while I was in Central America. This was our 10 year anniversary since we first met. I spend a lot of time reflecting on our story and how it has effected our family. This is the first of 4 or 5 post that I wrote.

How do you make an impossible decision. The type of decision can forever change your life and the lives of the people you care about the most. How does you walk away from a husband who drinks to much? Or leave your comrades at arms to raise a family? Hows does a teenager find the strength and courage to run away from his or her parents? How do you leave a business that has been your life's work knowing it might fall apart if you do.

I don't know how we make these decisions. We think and think, yet no matter how hard we think the answer eludes us. We are faced with a choice of doing whats best for us or doing whats best for those around us. You ask your self a never ending set of questions as you struggle to make the right choice. Should you honor your commitments even when you are no longer happy? Are you being selfish or doing whats best for you. When is enough, enough?

I wish there was some easy way to know what the best course of action is, but there isn't. These are things that you must decided for yourself. You can ask for peoples advice and get there input but at the end of the day you have to live with your choices. You must be accountable for your actions and aspect all consequences no matter how undesirable.

Sometimes I feel like our story has been one impossible decision after another. I admire the courage and strength that each of those decisions took to make. There is no right answer. They are impossible because it feels like no ones wins. Even when you know you are doing the best thing for your self you can't help but feel bad for the people it is going to effect.