Thursday, January 25, 2007

The angel sent by God - by Eva

I’ve heard that God takes something away from you but instead he gives you something back and in my case this is true. When I feel the pain of loosing my mom, I try to see the whole picture. I comfort my self because in the end I know He has a plan, the most perfect plan for all of us. It was hard not having her of course but every time I think about it I can’t but to think about my Grandma, the famous and loved Mama Chila.

She is such a strong woman and at the same time the most caring woman I’ve ever known. To look into her eyes, is to look at a whole life filled with suffering and sadness. Every mark on her face shows she is old, but even so she is young at heart. This woman has been through too much, so that the sadness never goes away, even if she is happy. So small and delicate, she has done any kind of work just to support her family. She’s got an incredible wisdom given by God. Always a leader, always the center of the family she is always there for us. She means the whole world to us. She has many daughters and sons because every one loves her as is her blood.

She didn’t give me life, but I don’t think the kind of love she has for us could possibly be named. She loved us like a mom, she loved us like a grandma with a love that could not be described. For all these years she took care of us, suffered, and worried. She worked for us and gave us all material things she could give, but her most important gift was her unconditional love. She showed us the right and wrong, she was an example of how to be a good person, she made us the people we are today and she made me the woman I am.

Never afraid, she never gave up in any situation in her life. She never gave up looking for my brother either and in this story she is the angel God sent to earth to take care of all of us. She is an example of a person who never forgets and never leaves behind her blood.

She used to talk about Roberto a lot. The thing she worried the most was if he was with someone who loved him. It was what she really cared about because she always said she has a lot of love for him. So she wondered all the time: Where is Roberto? Is he loved? Finally one day she announced she was going to El Salvador to look for him even though she knew it was risky. She started the journey with my aunt's help and went to knock on every door she could possibly remember of people my mother was involved with. A lot of them were slammed in her face… One day, her reward came unexpectedly. Years and years of wondering where he was, if he was OK and what kind of boy would he be, finally ended for her.

Everyday I wonder how is that this tiny and old woman could have been so strong and never broke down. So calmed and quite, I never saw her crying…just once...the day she knew Roberto was alive…that day she changed…

Let me tell you she became a different person then. Certainly her sadness was still there but extraordinarily she was happy and you could see it in her eyes. They were never the same any more. Some how she got strength from somewhere and it seemed to me like she started all over again. It was like she could breath again and release part of this pain in her heart. All the effort and pain through all of these years gave her a reward, she has lost a daughter but then she recovered her grandson.

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